Single Guy Blogging
A woman's guide to what men *REALLY* think about

Wednesday, February 14, 2007
  To all single women on Valentine's day
I've briefly discussed this as posts on others' blogs, but I think it's important enough for me to blog about it here, as this is the place for you to get a better sense of "what men really think about".

364. That is the number of days that women truly have a hold on men. It is the number of days that you can flirt without care, play the "I like you as a friend" card, tease, taunt, and thoroughly captivate our minds and imagination with your beauty and sexuality.

So on this day of St. Valentine, I hope you understand that experience tells us it is the one day where you lower your shield. You start to show the slightest of weakness and vulnerability. You are much like us, with insecurities about your looks or intelligence or sense of humor, and fear of ending up alone in the world. Men know this, and to be honest, we're not quite sure how to deal with it.

Most men simply see it as a way to get "revenge" and take advantage of the situation (after all, can you blame us?). Others go out with their friends, telling themselves they don't care about v-day, happy that they are not in a relationship -- especially seeing how commercialized it is! Have you seen the restaurant menus on these days??. Deep down in our minds, though, we do know that this is a good day to be out there. It's a day we may get to meet the true you. The one that is most like us.

Go enjoy a wonderful night out with your girlfriends ladies. Just remember, tomorrow the clock starts back at 1 again. :)

wow... an interesting guy's point of view! I was unaware that we are so fabulous at hiding our insecurities all other days of the year!
MJ- women absolutely are! It's a talent you must learn in the womb.. ;)
I just came by your site via Virginia Belle. I must say..Great post!! I never thought of it that way. ;o)
gasp! a revenge day?
Never thought of it that way. I guess guys dont care too much of this day than we do.
Actually I dont think single guys care too much about being single than single gals.
Maybe its the clock working against us or something and not so much for guys.
Anyhow hope yours was good
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30-something year old guy hanging out on the left coast.

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