Single Guy Blogging
A woman's guide to what men *REALLY* think about

Monday, March 05, 2007
  My theory on Lesbianism
Inspired by this post from VB, I thought I'd post my thoughts on lesbianism.

Despite what Freud says, I've never had a dream about being gay. Really. So why is it so easy for so many women to "experiment" or even think/dream about being with another woman? Here's my 2 part theory:

Part 1: Women's body parts are beautiful, more developed, and with purpose. Think about it -- breasts are there and have a life giving purpose in feeding. The vagina is a neatly organized bundle, where everything is perfectly folded, tucked, and covered with a purpose. Body hair is only in places necessary for coverage. Now look at men: we've got breasts for no reason, protruding body parts, back hair. It's like God was creating humans, finished women, and was erasing men's breasts and creating a bow with our penises when he got a phone call and pretty much took the rest of the day off.

Part 2: Both men and women are created inside a woman. The voice we all hear before we are born is mostly a woman. We come out of a woman's vagina. One of our first experiences of pleasure is to be fed by a woman's breast! With all respect to women who enjoy the penis, everyone probably thinks about women subconsciouly at some point in a sexual way. It's like the old joke says -- we spend 9 months coming out of a woman, and the rest of our lives trying to get back in. :)

I heard that a male brain slows development in the mother's womb in order to develop a penis. I believe it.
You boys have a better chance of "getting back in" if you make it less obivious of your intent. Nothing drys up the well faster...
MJ: Hahah.. If so, the girl I met this weekend must have a had a huge penis!

BCL: Yeah, you are absolutely right. I think it's one of those those "can't think with both heads at the same time" kind of things.
Aww - Part 1 is kinda sweet! I have always wished for a little more testosterone. Muscle building would be so much easier. I enjoy being a woman and all, the built-for-procreation part can be annoying though...
Very true - I agree with you. I think that a woman's body is way more attractive than a man's body. I like men though :)
SGB, you're slacking already...
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