Single Guy Blogging
A woman's guide to what men *REALLY* think about

Thursday, February 22, 2007
  Women: remove the following from your vocabulary
I just love lists! :)

* The game isn't over yet?? It's been an hour!
* Everything happens for a reason
* Even guys are going to like this movie! (umm.. sure)
* Where is this going?
* Do you prefer to spend time with your friends?
* My friend's boyfriend always gets her ____!
* Sorry I'm being such a bitch. I'm on my period.
* Do you think she's hot?
* If it's meant to be...
* I really think you are amazing. A beautiful friend!
* You would really like my kids.
* How do I taste?
* Are you going to miss me when you go to ____?
* Do these pants make my ass look big?
* Ewww.. I would never kiss another girl!
* Mmmm... that Brad Pitt sure is HOT
* I'm thinking of cutting my hair
* My friends want to leave, so.. bye.

I'm sure I'm missing a lot more, but if you've got some of your own, drop them in the comments!
Oh come on. You guys have tons of phrases that infuriate us. We're allowed to be passive-aggressive. I mean, it's one thing to lie about the probability of a guy liking a chick flick, but...

If we're not saying any of those things, you pretty much cut out who we are. Do you want us to be mute? Really?
Brad Pitt is a step below homo-sapien in evolution. I think he looks like an ape.
TAB: What phrases do we have that infuriate you? And no, we don't want you to be mute -- the point is more to minimize those things and to be aware of what gets on our nerves. :)

MJ: hahah.. I would guess that a lot of women would disagree.
I'm with MJ... I don't find him hot either.
"How do I taste?" OMG, who would ask that?! (BTW, I know I'm delicious.) :o)
btcol: You are? How do you know? And yes, I've had someone ask me that before. Not sure exactly what a good answer would be, other than "delicious!" ;)
No need to get into details of how I know. I. Just. Know. The proper response is a breathy, "You taste soooo good..."
Off the bat I can think of one thing that a guy should never say..

"Wait for a commercial, the game is on"
How about, what are you thinking? Annoying when said by anyone, male or female.
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